Saturday, February 14, 2009

An opportunity?

Interesting day today. While in Jamestown I found volume one of the Gaither Vocal Band Reunion DVD. I've been looking for that for a while so I was quite pleased. Ironically, at the same store, I bought "His name was Jason. 30 years of Friday the 13th." Quite a contrast there, eh?

It's not news that I'm doing a concert in June but it seems I may be doing a little singing work sooner. It was suggested to me that I should make a CD to send out to some people, specifically the Gaithers. So this week, I will be in the process of recording. Who knows...this could be a big start for me.

Today I also went to see Paul Blart: Mall Cop. The movie was hilarious. I highly recommend it. It also featured some good previews(which are my favorite part of a movie anyway) including a preview for Dragonball Evolution. DB was the series that first got me interested in anime so I'm extremely excited for that movie which comes out in a little less then two months.

I'll keep the two people reading this up to date on my recording this week. Till next time.

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